Swords! Spaceships! Superpowers! Lauren Conoscenti writes propulsive popcorn genre dramas, nudging reluctant outsiders into found families through an optimistic lens. Big action. Bigger heart.
Raised in Amish Country, TV was Conoscenti’s window to the world. She recently served as Showrunners’ Assistant on Season 2 of Fox’s critically-acclaimed FANTASY ISLAND reboot and as Writers’ PA on USA’s DARE ME, The CW’s JANE THE VIRGIN, and Fox’s LETHAL WEAPON. Prior to the writers’ room, she managed commercial crews and post teams in NYC; Conoscenti thrives on set and is known for her eagle eye in the edit.
Her work has made the Second Rounds of the Warner Bros. Television Writers’ Workshop and the Austin Film Festival (x3), the Semifinals for the Made in NY Writers’ Room initiative, the Quarterfinals of the 2025 ScreenCraft TV Pilot Script Competition, and has landed on The Bitch List — a list of the entertainment industry’s best-liked, Bechdel-Test-passing screenplays — and The Stunt List — where she was lauded as a market-ready writer.
Beyond the industry, Conoscenti has worked in professional kitchens and enjoys culinary adventures with friends. She is currently available to staff.